Welcome to the website explaining the 20-years of philanthropy of Laura and Gary Lauder. This site describes Laura’s philanthropy over 20 years. For an overview of Gary’s venture capital, please visit: www.lauderpartners.com.

We are pictured here at the White House, as we are patriotic Americans who care deeply about our country and improving the lives of others here and all over the world. We are a Silicon Valley couple who use a “venture philanthropy” approach to giving, and we are passionate about three key areas: education, leadership development, and the Jewish community/Israel. We are deeply involved – both financially and through our own leadership – in the organizations that we support. Laura serves on the boards of 15 organizations.

Here, you can read about our theory of change, our mission statement, and about our personally launched or co-launched initiatives and organizations/programs that we are currently funding.

If you are a nonprofit, we hope you’ll be inspired by the organizations we support. If you are a philanthropist, we are delighted to connect with you to potentially partner in any of our key areas – if they are key areas for you as well.

Inquiries can be directed to Debbie Findling, our extraordinary professional, who can be reached at Lauderfund@gmail.com.

Thank you for your interest – and let us pursue tikkun olam together.


Laura & Gary Lauder
March 2015
