Signature Initiatives

Laura is a strategic philanthropist who initiates programs and projects where she can play an active role to catalyze high-impact organizational effectiveness and help bring projects to scale.  These programs were created by Laura, often in partnership with other philanthropists, over the past 26 years.


Embark is a unique program for young interfaith and mixed-heritage couples to deepen their connection with each other and Jewish life, regardless of their backgrounds and without pressure to convert. 

Website | Our Involvement

Socrates Program

The Aspen Institute Socrates Program provides a forum for emerging leaders from various professions to convene and explore contemporary issues through expert-moderated dialogue.

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Logo - Center for Media and Democracy in Israel

Center for Media and Democracy in Israel

The Center for Media and Democracy in Israel is a non-partisan, non-profit, news organization that empowers the public and promotes democratic discourse in Israel through investigative journalism and groundbreaking storytelling that sparks action.

Website | Our Involvement

Duke Gap Year Program

The Duke Gap Year Program provides funding for students who wish to take a gap year prior to enrolling at Duke University.

Website | Our Involvement

Lauder Family Giving Circle

The Lauder Family Giving Circle brings together family members to work side-by-side as equal partners in philanthropy.

Our Involvement

Jewish Teen Foundation Board Incubator

Based on the model of giving circles, Jewish Teen Foundation Board programs offer teens the opportunity to explore Jewish values and ideas, develop leadership skills, and practice philanthropy. Ten cities were selected from all over the world to launch this program for teen philanthropy and four years of seed funding was provided, along with technical expertise.

Website | Our Involvement

Service Year Alliance

Service Year Alliance is an organization relentlessly pursuing a bold vision — making a year of paid, full-time service — a service year — a common expectation and opportunity for all young Americans.

Website | Our Involvement

DeLet Alumni Network

The DeLeT Alumni Network is a support and resource network of the DeLeT fellowship program that helps DeLeT alumni to continue to grow as Jewish educators, teachers, and teacher-leaders throughout their careers.

Website | Our Involvement

Cradle to Career Giving Network

Cradle to Career is an initiative of the Aspen Community Foundation that seeks to ensure that children in the Aspen community are ready for kindergarten and graduate from high school ready for college and career.

Website | Our Involvement

Black Teacher Pipeline

The Black Teacher Pipeline is a national educational justice campaign led by the Center for Black Educator Development to inspire the next generation of Black educators.

Website | Our Involvement


Classroom Exchanges Project

The Classroom Exchanges program of the National Constitution Center connects middle and high school students across the United States for virtual debates between two classrooms about the Constitution. Retired and active judges serve as facilitators of the debates. Partner funders include the Charles Koch Foundation and the Bezos Family Foundation.

Website | Our Involvement